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Post Op Instructions

 If you have had a procedure done at our office and are having an issue or you forgot what we told you, these instruction can help you out. Remember, if you are having an issue you can CALL US DAY OR NIGHT! We are here to help you out.


If you have had a filling done recently at our office there are few things to keep in mind.
  1. The areas that you were numbed up are going to be sore for a few days. It does help to take over the counter Motrin or Tylenol a few times a day.

  2. It is normal for most teeth to be a sensitive to temperature for a few days after the procedure. You will find that sensitivity gets better gradually and in a few weeks you should be able to handle really cold food like ice creams.

  3. If you find that once the numbing wears off, the teeth feel bigger or your bite feels off, you need to come to the office right away. These are symptoms of the filling being slightly bigger than what it needs to be and might need adjustment.

  4. If you gums feel sore, rinsing your mouth several times a day with warm salt water helps.

  5. You should resume flossing, cleaning and using your teeth normally the same day.


Crowns and Bridges
  1.  The areas that you were numbed up are going to be sore for a few days. It does help to take over the counter Motrin or Tylenol a few times a day.

  2.  It is normal for most teeth to be a sensitive to temperature for a few days after the procedure. You will find that sensitivity gets better gradually and in a few weeks you should be able to handle really cold food like ice creams. 

  3.  Once the numbing wears off, the teeth feel bigger or your bite feels off, you need to come to the office right away. These are symptoms of the crown being slightly bigger than what it needs to be and might need adjustment.

  4.  If your crown or bridge were to come off while your actual crown is being made at the lab, it is vital that you keep the covered with the temporary crown.

  5. If we are open, just call us and we will fit you in right away. If we are closed, you could use dental cement from the pharmacy or a denture adhesive to place your plastic crown back on the tooth and see us as soon as we are open. Come see us right away if your temporary crown breaks.

  6.  It is better to avoid flossing around your temporary crown but you should brush as usual and rinse your mouth multiple times with warm salt rinses to keep your gums healthy.

Extractions and Third Molars
  1. Post operative bleeding and soreness are common after most surgical procedures. You should expect some soreness, swelling in your jaws, jaw joints, gum area. Please take all your medicines that you are placed on. If you are having an allergic reaction or unwanted reaction to the medicine, stop taking it and call the office immediately so we can change your medicines.

  2. Most areas will continue to ooze some blood many hours after the extraction procedure. Putting pressure on the wound with guaze by biting will help. Every 30 mins or so change the guaze with a new pack. Used Tea Bags will also help speed up the blood clotting. The chemicals in the tea bag help with pain also to some extent.  If you are not able to stop the bleeding, call the office immediately or go to the ER.

  3. Swelling will increase for the first 3 days before coming down. If swelling gets worse after the first 3-4 days call the office immediately or go to the ER.

  4. Fever after an extraction is a sign that there could be an infection. If you find your self running a fever above 100 Degrees Farenhiet call the office immediately or go to the ER.

  5. Soft Diet is recommended. You should have plenty of water and eat yogurt or other foods that have pro biotics in them. 

  6. It is important to keep the areas surrounding the wound clean. After every meal, it is important that you brush your teeth gently to reduce the bacterial load in the area. If the toothpaste is uncomfortable it is not needed. Warm Salt rinses is ideal to rinse your mouth in between to help with the healing process.

  7. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol for a few days after the procedure.

  8. Take it easy as far as daily activities. Do not go jogging, yard work or anything strenuous for a few days. Going to work is OK as long as only light activities are performed.


Scaling & Root Planing
  1. The areas that you have had numbing and deep cleaned will be sore for a few days. Most pain can be controlled easily with prescriptions that you were given or with over the counter medicines. 

  2. You may experience some tooth sensitivity especially to cold food and liquids after deep cleaning. Sensitivity usually decreases within several weeks after deep cleaning and can be minimized by keeping the area as free of plaque as possible.  Additionally you can use de-sensitizing creams around the areas to get relief. If you do not have any relief, call us immediately for recommendations or medications to relieve the discomfort. 

  3. Soft Diet is recommended. You should have plenty of water and eat yoghurt or other foods that have pro biotics in them.

  4. It is important to keep the areas clean. After every meal, it is important that you brush your teeth and floss gently to reduce the bacterial load in the area. If the toothpaste is uncomfortable it is not needed. Warm Salt rinses is ideal to rinse your mouth in between to help with the healing process.

  5. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol for a few days after the procedure.


Root Canal
  1. You will be sore in the areas that you were numbed. Teeth that have had Root Canal procedure done will be sore to touch and bite for a few days. Most patients report being able to chew normally on the root canal treated tooth in a week or so.

  2. It is important to continue taking the medications that you were placed on. Please do not stop taking your Anti Inflammatory medicines that you were placed on.

  3. If you start seeing a swelling in the area that you were treated call the office immediately to be scheduled for a check up. 

  4. If you find that once the numbing wears off, the teeth feel bigger or your bite feels off, you need to come to the office right away. These are symptoms of the filling being slightly bigger than what it needs to be and might need adjustment.

  5.  If you gums feel sore, rinsing your mouth several times a day with warm salt water helps.

  6. You should resume flossing, cleaning and using your teeth normally the same day

Fredericksburg Dentist accepting ....
  • Anthem BCBS

  • Aetna

  • Care First

  • Cigna

  • Delta Dental

  • Guardian

  • GEHA

  • Humana

  • Lincoln

  • Metlife

  • MedicAid

  • Smile for Children

  • United Healthcare

  • United Concordia

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